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Get a New Roof for Your Home

Ensure the longevity of your roof installation with Advanced Roofline Cheshire. Situated in Crewe, our experts provide a comprehensive range of roofing services for both residential and commercial properties. Count on our skilled roofers for a top-notch installation if you're in need of a new roof.

The Layers of your Roof

From a quick glance, roofs may seem like just a bunch of shingles covering a house, but there's more to it. Roofs have multiple layers that provide essential protection. If everything is in good condition, you won't need to know about these layers. However, if your roof has issues, it's important to understand what each layer does to safeguard your home.

Roofing Layers Explained (1)
Roofing Layers Explained (2)
Roofing Layers Explained (3)
Roofing Layers Explained (4)


The first layer shapes the roof and supports all the materials. Trusses form the framing, distributing and supporting the weight effectively.


Although not on the roof itself, insulation in the attic minimizes heat loss, protecting the roof from extreme temperatures.


Also in the attic, ventilation lets hot, moist air escape, preventing mold and damage to the roof frame and deck.

Roof Deck:

Directly above the framing, the roof deck, often made of plywood, provides a solid surface for the rest of the roof.

Water Barrier:

Applied to the roof deck, the water barrier protects against water infiltration from melting ice and rain.


Placed between shingles and the roof deck, the underlayment offers an extra layer of protection, creating a flat surface and reducing blow-off risk.

Starter Strip:

Laid beneath the underlayment, the starter strip along the roof's edge defends against strong winds and reduces blow-off.


The visible layer that shields your home from sun, water, and weather conditions. Shingles with fiberglass granules offer both aesthetics and fire protection.

Ridge Cap:

A special shingle along the roof's ridge line prevents rain and snow infiltration while allowing heat and moisture to escape from the attic.


Though not a full layer, metal flashing is installed over seams

The Process from Old to Gold

Learn the steps that are taken to take the old away and give you the new roof your house needs and deserves

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